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If you or someone you know is at immediate risk or harm call 911
For 24 hour support and referral, call Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

If you or someone you know is at immediate risk or harm call 911
For 24 hour support and referral, call Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

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Abuse comes in many forms and doesn't discriminate between race, culture, sexual orientation, gender or age.

In this episode, I am joined by Gabrielle Kirk of the Elder Abuse Response Coalition of Claresholm/Vulcan and Donelda Laing of the Foothills Coordinated Community Response Steering Committee to talk about the similarities and differences between elder abuse vs. intimate partner abuse, the signs to watch for and how you can support someone affected.

In our conversation they mention some numbers you can call to report elder abuse:

Rowan House Emergency Shelter | 403-652-3311
Okotoks Family Resource Centre | 403-995-2626
High River FCSS | 403-652-8620
Distress Centre* (24 hours) | 403-266-4357
Elder Abuse Response Program | 403-715-9223
Claresholm FCSS | 403-625-4417
Ranchlands Victim Services | 403-625-4444
Vulcan FCSS | 403-485-2192
Vulcan County Victim Service | 403-485-6163

*The Distress Centre is a 24-hour crisis/support line that can connect you to: Calgary Seniors Resource Society - Seniors Connect Outreach Program, Alberta Health Services - Mobile Response Team for Mental Health, and the RCMP.

Alberta Seniors and Housing

Thank you to Alberta Seniors and Housing for their ongoing support as a Funder and Partner

Our Values

Our belief is that no one organization has a broad enough scope to address the complex issue of elder abuse in its entirety. A truly effective community response involves many stakeholders working in collaboration.

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All Rights Reserved.

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