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If you or someone you know is at immediate risk or harm call 911
For 24 hour support and referral, call Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

If you or someone you know is at immediate risk or harm call 911
For 24 hour support and referral, call Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

Kitty Choi

Kitty Choi

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Kitty is a RSW and a recognized Court and Medical Cantonese Interpreter and Translator. She is currently working as Community Development Social Worker with City of Edmonton for Seniors Protection Partnership.

Kitty has great passion and extensive working experience with families from different ethno-cultural backgrounds as well marginalized and vulnerable populations. Her determination to serve the most needed leads her to many roles in various agencies for the last 15 years.

She had been working as Settlement Counsellor (for newcomers, youths and seniors) at ASSIST Community Services Centre, Catholic Social Services and Millwoods Seniors Recreation Centre; Team Lead at Responding to Family Violence for the Chinese Community Program; Victim Services Coordinator (Diverse and Emerging Communities) at Edmonton Police Service; GameSense Advisor at Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission; Care Worker at Women’s Emergency Accommodation Centre: and Community Connector for Older Adults at WestView Primary Care Network at Edmonton Isolation Facility (Boyle Street Community Centre) and Family School Liaison Worker at Edmonton Catholic School.

Alberta Seniors and Housing

Thank you to Alberta Seniors and Housing for their ongoing support as a Funder and Partner

Our Values

Our belief is that no one organization has a broad enough scope to address the complex issue of elder abuse in its entirety. A truly effective community response involves many stakeholders working in collaboration.

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