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If you or someone you know is at immediate risk or harm call 911
For 24 hour support and referral, call Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

If you or someone you know is at immediate risk or harm call 911
For 24 hour support and referral, call Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

Nicole Wiebe

Nicole Wiebe

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Denton's Canada (Edmonton)

Over the past few years in my career and other personal experiences, I have witnessed the effects and have worked within the frameworks of elder abuse through a unique lens. I have two elderly grandmothers in care homes and though the COVID-19 global pandemic I have seen many elderly people being taken advantage of or leveraged, sometimes in ways that are not obvious to the layman observer.

In my career, I work with seniors by assisting them with their estate planning and other contentious estate issues, and as such I am exposed to scenarios and circumstances where elder abuse can occur easily. I have witnessed elder abuse occur through my work, as ill advised or improper estate planning can provide a vehicle where the vulnerable can be taken advantage of easily.

Alberta Seniors and Housing

Thank you to Alberta Seniors and Housing for their ongoing support as a Funder and Partner

Our Values

Our belief is that no one organization has a broad enough scope to address the complex issue of elder abuse in its entirety. A truly effective community response involves many stakeholders working in collaboration.

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